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Top 5 Programming Languages to learn in 2020

               TOP 5 PROGRAMMING 

 Do you know that the most important skill to learn in today's world is to know how to write a computer program?

Think that for any work we require computer or Smartphone.Most of the people use a category of application for their work. Today we have lot of applications, let's take example of social media application. Now people are surfing social media application such as facebook instagram,whattsap.

Do you have a question that how does the application are developed?

Yes! here is the answer.....

Application are designed and developed using programming language.

So what is programming language?

A programming language is a formal language which consist a set of instructions that produce a various kinds of outputs.

So lets explore the top 5 Programming languages to learn in 2020..........


Yes definitely is ranking on top because it has an lot of importance towards devlopers. Python has widely user by devlopers and especially loved by hackers.It is founded by guido van rossum Now a days it is growing in a rapid way. It is becoming universal the reason behind this is that it's syntax is easy to learn.The language can be learn to devlop applications and websites. It has various applications such sotware devlopment ,website development etc

In todays time python programming language is growing rapidly hence it's devlopers demand is also increasing. So this is the best time to learn the python programming language.

Let's know the other things about python programming language....

Advantages of python programming

  1. Easy to learn, read and write

Python is easy to learn because it's syntax is fluent,just like an english words.You need to write less lines of code as compared to other languages.

2. Interpreted language

Python is an interpreted language which means it executes the program line by line and when a error occur it quickly report back to the user.

3. Dynamically typed

Pyhon doesn't know the variable unless we run the code. it automatically assigns the variable's datatype during execution. Devlopers doesn't worry while declaring variables .

4.  Free and open source

Python is free which means it can be download through the web without any charges. It is an open source technology means that it's source code can be downloadable and also can be editable.

5. Portability

In programming language such as c/c++ we have to change our code while using in another platforms.But in python programming language we don't have to change our code


 2. JAVA

Java is important programming language through all time because it is widely used through world. It is devloped by James gosling in 1991. The target of the java java programming language is to write program once and run it over all operating systems. Using Java you can devlop Games ,website and applications.

Lets us discuss the advantages of Java.......

                Advantages of Java

1. Platform Independent

Java program uses Java virtual machine as abstraction and do not access th operating system directly which makes it portable.

2. Object Oriented Programming

Except it's primitive datatypes all elements in java programming language are objects.

3. Interpreted and compiled language

Java source code can easily transferrable to bytecode. It can be compiled line by line and which makes programs error free.

3. C 

C programming language is most important language because it is a base of all other programming languages. It is devloped by Dennis M Ritchie in 1972. C language is mainly use to write a operating system(OS). The reason behind it's popularity because the syntax of the language is very easy to learn. C language primary used for operating  system devlopment, website devlopment and also applications.

So to learn a wide knowledge of programming .It is good to start learning with Python Programming

So let's discuss it's advantages

   Advantages of C programming

1. Easy to learn

C language is easy to learn because it has a understable syntax and the program can broken with parts to understand better.

2. Portability

C language setup is very light-weight
It can be run over any devices such as Personl computer, laptop and smartphone.

3. Speed of Execution

C compiler produces machine code very faster as compared to other Programming languages. C compiler can executes around 1000 lines in  2-3 seconds.

4.  Rich Library

C  language provide us lot of functions which consist of  system generated functions and user defined functions.
C language comes with lot of general functions are present in the header section.

 4. PHP

PHP stands for Hypertext preprocessor and it is widely used for backend devlopment. It is devloped by Rasmus Lerdorf. PHP is a scripting language hence it runs on server side  it is mainly used to devlop static and dynamic website along web applications. It's syntax is very easy to learn. The most important feature is that html is embedded in php which means that we can use html tags in php programs

So to learn "How the backend works"

PHP is truly good to start with.......

Now dicussing it's advantages

             Advantages of PHP

1.  Easy to use

PHP is easy to use because it's syntax is very easy like an english worlds. PHP does not requires high and intensive command hence it increase the productivity.

2.  Opensource

One of the most advantage of php is that it is an opensouce platform. Therefore it is readily available through web.Because some of the programming languages costs for some other supportive files.

3. Cross platform

PHP based web applications and websites can run through any platforms. PHP is mainly supported by majority of operating systems
Some of them are Solaris ,unix ,windows and linux.

4. Easy database connection

PHP has a great feature of database connection through which we can connect database software to php to store any data in proper format. Now a days websites such as e-commerce
and education requires data to collect from the use to give them required service.



Javascript is an crossplatform, object oriented programming language.It is devloped by brendon eith in1995.It is widely used  programming language by devlopers to make webpage Interactive. Using javascript we can create animation clickable buttons and popup menus in websites to make it more attractive.It has lot of frameworks like jQuery with additional functionalities. It has an great importance for web developer.

So to learn web interaction and create Interactive page . Javascript language is perfectly good to start with.....

Lets discuss it's Advantages...

           Advantages of  Javascript

1. Make Interactive Webpages

Using javascript we make Interactive wepages which consists of user interaction buttons, animation and effects etc.

2. Speed

Javascript is  interpreted language so it compiles code line by line and increase the speed of execution.

3. Popularity

Most of the browsers has a inbuild javascript tool to explore. Most of the international companies such as Google and paypal use javascript as a tool for their web devlopment.

4. Server Load

As javascript operates on client side, data validation is possible on browser itself rather than sending it to off server.

5. Rich Interfaces

Javascript provides various interfaces for devlopers to devlop catchy webpages. Drag and drop and slider can attart user to interact with webpage.

Start learning anyone of the programming language to enchance you knowledge....

So these are the 5 Programming Languages to learn in 2020.


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